Journal of Adolescent Health paper shows violent games the norm.

I came across the following news story: Study Shows Violent Video Games Pose Little Risk which has quotes and a video link to an interview with the author. Her original paper can be found in the Journal of Adolescent Health (Journal subscription may be required to read the full article…I get access from my University library). What’s notable about the Olsen, et. al. paper is the very high percentage (48.8%) of the sample size (1254 seventh and eighth graders) that play Mature rated games. 44% of the boys reported specifically playing Grand Theft Auto.

The take home message, which she acknowledges in the interview, is that playing these violent games aren’t creating violent kids. In fact, playing violent games is now quite normal. The kids do it as a social activity, not in solitary confinement while planning physical violence. I suppose it may be too early to tell if 48% of young men in 10 years will be homicidal, but I would bet they will actually be more grounded than many of us today. Besides the social aspects, the report finds the gaming is used for self-emotional regulation. It may actually be good for them. Boys will be boys. If violence is part of adolescence, then let it be virtual. Personally, I’m glad I have a daughter. She’s only into dropping an occasional gazelle or unsuspecting visitor into the lion pen in Zoo Tycoon.

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